Wednesday 30 May 2012

Emotional Detachment & Emotional Contagion

Hello guys! I'm curiously about emotional detachment, let's see what wiki says first :

Emotional detachment, in psychology, can mean two different things. In the first meaning, it refers to an "inability to connect" with others emotionally, as well as a means of dealing with anxiety by preventing certain situations that trigger it; it is often described as "emotional numbing" or dissociation, depersonalization or in its chronic form depersonalization disorder. In the second sense, it is a type of "mental assertiveness" that allows people to maintain their boundaries and psychic integrity when faced with the emotional demands of another person or group of persons.

Let's know far more about emotional detachment:
Emotional detachment is a natural mental response to prolonged physical and mental abuse. For victims of abuse, war veterans, and those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), detachment can become a big issue when trying to recapture feelings of love and warmth and often leaves them cold and unemotional for the rest of their life. If you are interested in becoming detached for the sake of preventing yourself from further mental assault, then read ahead through this article for instructions on how to do so. It is ill-advised to become detached based on an image or personality you want to achieve because it will present problems to you later on in life.

wikiHow to be Emotionally Detached 6 steps :
  1. Take a deep breath. If you are stressed out, your body naturally tenses and sends your thoughts racing. Breathe deep and slow to avoid a lack of oxygen that can add to the problem.
  2. Don't think about it. If you are constantly being yelled at or threatened, block out that voice by not thinking about it. Changing our thinking is easier said than done because it requires taking positive action in a negative scenario that if repeated will lead to a change in attitude and behavior (your behavior). Instead of obsessing about the person who is hurting you, count to 100 in your head, count sheep, count the number of things in the room, think of the names of all the United States, anything logical and unemotional that will take your mind off the situation.
  3. Take action physically. Go for a walk, a bike ride or any other cardiovascular activity. Aerobic activity is proven to boost endorphines and will help you be in a better position to monitor and change your reactions to emotional predators.
  4. Practice crying alone. Crying in front of the one who is harassing you will only provoke them to taunt you more or continue with their harassment. Breathing deeply and thinking of something other than the situation will prevent you from fully processing their mean words and ultimately prevent you from crying. BUT it is not healthy to keep that sadness in. Try your best to wait until the situation has ended and for the antagonist to leave the room before you begin to cry.
  5. Write things down. Just as it is unhealthy to keep from crying, it is also unhealthy to keep anger and confusion inside. Write down how you feel in a secret journal or diary.
  6. Keep up the habit. Eventually, your mind will learn to store things away and you'll go into thinking of logical and unemotional things naturally when being harassed.
My advice, listen to a music that strengthens your mood or your conditions, if you're not strong enough, don't listen a "galau" song :)

On Sunday May 27 2012,I've experienced Emotional Contagion when one of my friend on his wedding blessing ceremony, the atmosphere is very touchy and sad(cos of happiness) when they declare a wedding promise and talk to their parents who have raised from baby.
Do you know what is emotional contagion?

Emotional contagion is the tendency to catch and feel emotions that are similar to and associated with those of others. One view developed by John Cacioppo of the underlying mechanism is that it represents a tendency to mimic and synchronize facial expressions, vocalizations, postures, and movements with those of another person automatically and, consequently, to converge emotionally. A broader definition of the phenomenon was suggested by Sigal G. Barsade—"a process in which a person or group influences the emotions or behavior of another person or group through the conscious or unconscious induction of emotion states and behavioral attitudes".

If you like reading lots of posts, continue until the end

What is detachment?
Detachment is the:
* Ability to allow people, places or things the freedom to be themselves.
* Holding back from the need to rescue, save or fix another person from being sick, dysfunctional or irrational.
* Giving another person "the space" to be herself.
* Disengaging from an over-enmeshed or dependent relationship with people.
* Willingness to accept that you cannot change or control a person, place or thing.
* Developing and maintaining of a safe, emotional distance from someone whom you have previously given a lot of power to affect your emotional outlook on life.
* Establishing of emotional boundaries between you and those people you have become overly enmeshed or dependent with in order that all of you might be able to develop your own sense of autonomy and independence.
* Process by which you are free to feel your own feelings when you see another person falter and fail and not be led by guilt to feel responsible for their failure or faltering.
* Ability to maintain an emotional bond of love, concern and caring without the negative results of rescuing, enabling, fixing or controlling.
* Placing of all things in life into a healthy, rational perspective and recognizing that there is a need to back away from the uncontrollable and unchangeable realities of life.
* Ability to exercise emotional self-protection and prevention so as not to experience greater emotional devastation from having hung on beyond a reasonable and rational point.
* Ability to let people you love and care for accept personal responsibility for their own actions and to practice tough love and not give in when they come to you to bail them out when their actions lead to failure or trouble for them.
* Ability to allow people to be who they "really are" rather than who you "want them to be."
* Ability to avoid being hurt, abused, taken advantage of by people who in the past have been overly dependent or enmeshed with you.

What are the negative effects not detaching?
If you are unable to detach from people, places or things, then you:
* Will have people, places or things which become over-dependent on you.
* Run the risk of being manipulated to do things for people, at places or with things which you do not really want to do.
* Can become an obsessive "fix it" who needs to fix everything you perceive to be imperfect.
* Run the risk of performing tasks because of the intimidation you experience from people, places or things.
* Will most probably become powerless in the face of the demands of the people, places or things whom you have given the power to control you.
* Will be blind to the reality that the people, places or things which control you are the uncontrollables and unchangeables you need to let go of if you are to become a fully healthy, coping individual.
* Will be easily influenced by the perception of helplessness which these people, places or things project.
* Might become caught up with your idealistic need to make everything perfect for people, places or things important to you even if it means your own life becomes unhealthy.
* Run the risk of becoming out of control of yourself and experience greater low self-esteem as a result.
* Will most probably put off making a decision and following through on it, if you rationally recognize your relationship with a person, place or thing is unhealthy and the only recourse left is to get out of the relationship.
* Will be so driven by guilt and emotional dependence that the sickness in the relationship will worsen.
* Run the risk of losing your autonomy and independence and derive your value or worth solely from the unhealthy relationship you continue in with the unhealthy person, place or thing.

How is detachment a control issue?
Detachment is a control issue because:
* It is a way of de-powering the external "locus of control" issues in your life and a way to strengthen your internal "locus of control."
* If you are not able to detach emotionally or physically from a person, place or thing, then you are either profoundly under its control or it is under your control.
* The ability to "keep distance" emotionally or physically requires self-control and the inability to do so is a sign that you are "out of control."
* If you are not able to detach from another person, place or thing, you might be powerless over this behavior which is beyond your personal control.
* You might be mesmerized, brainwashed or psychically in a trance when you are in the presence of someone from whom you cannot detach.
* You might feel intimidated or coerced to stay deeply attached with someone for fear of great harm to yourself or that person if you don't remain so deeply involved.
* You might be an addicted caretaker, fixer or rescuer who cannot let go of a person, place or thing you believe cannot care for itself.
* You might be so manipulated by another's con, "helplessness," overdependency or "hooks" that you cannot leave them to solve their own problems.
* If you do not detach from people, places or things, you could be so busy trying to "control" them that you completely divert your attention from yourself and your own needs.
* By being "selfless" and "centered" on other people, you are really a controller trying to fix them to meet the image of your ideal for them.
* Although you will still have feelings for those persons, places and things from which you have become detached, you will have given them the freedom to become what they will be on their own merit, power, control and responsibility.
* It allows every person, place or thing with which you become involved to feel the sense of personal responsibility to become a unique, independent and autonomous being with no fear of retribution or rebuke if they don't please you by what they become.

What irrational thinking leads to an inability to detach?
* If you should stop being involved, what will they do without you?
* They need you and that is enough to justify your continued involvement.
* What if they commit suicide because of your detachment? You must stay involved to avoid this.
* You would feel so guilty if anything bad should happen to them after you reduced your involvement with them.
* They are absolutely dependent on you at this point and to back off now would be a crime.
* You need them as much as they need you.
* You can't control yourself because everyday you promise yourself "today is the day" you will detach your feelings but you feel driven to them and their needs.
* They have so many problems, they need you.
* Being detached seems so cold and aloof. You can't be that way when you love and care for a person. It's either 100 percent all the way or no way at all.
* If you should let go of this relationship too soon, the other might change to be like the fantasy or dream you want them to be.
* How can being detached from them help them? It seems like you should do more to help them.
* Detachment sounds so final. It sounds so distant and non-reachable. You could never allow yourself to have a relationship where there is so much emotional distance between you and others. It seems so unnatural.
* You never want anybody in a relationship to be emotionally detached from you so why would you think it a good thing to do for others?
* The family that plays together stays together. It's all for one and one for all. Never do anything without including the significant others in your life.
* If one hurts in the system, we all hurt. You do not have a good relationship with others unless you share in their pain, hurt, suffering, problems and troubles.
* When they are in "trouble," how can you ignore their "pleas" for help? It seems cruel and inhuman.
* When you see people in trouble, confused and hurting, you must always get involved and try to help them solve the problems.
* When you meet people who are "helpless," you must step in to give them assistance, advice, support and direction.
* You should never question the costs, be they material, emotional or physical, when another is in dire need of help.
* You would rather forgo all the pleasures of this world in order to assist others to be happy and successful.
* You can never "give too much" when it comes to providing emotional support, comforting and care of those whom you love and cherish.
* No matter how badly your loved ones hurt and abuse you, you must always be forgiving and continue to extend your hand in help and support.
* Tough love is a cruel, inhuman and anti-loving philosophy of dealing with the troubled people in our lives and you should instead love them more when they are in trouble since "love" is the answer to all problems.

How to Develop Detachment
In order to become detached from a person, place or thing, you need to:

First: Establish emotional boundaries between you and the person, place or thing with whom you have become overly enmeshed or dependent on.

Second: Take back power over your feelings from persons, places or things which in the past you have given power to affect your emotional well-being.

Third: "Hand over" to your Higher Power the persons, places and things which you would like to see changed but which you cannot change on your own.

Fourth: Make a commitment to your personal recovery and self-health by admitting to yourself and your Higher Power that there is only one person you can change and that is yourself and that for your serenity you need to let go of the "need" to fix, change, rescue or heal other persons, places and things.

Fifth: Recognize that it is "sick" and "unhealthy" to believe that you have the power or control enough to fix, correct, change, heal or rescue another person, place or thing if they do not want to get better nor see a need to change.

Sixth: Recognize that you need to be healthy yourself and be "squeaky clean" and a "role model" of health in order for another to recognize that there is something "wrong" with them that needs changing.

Seventh: Continue to own your feelings as your responsibility and not blame others for the way you feel.

Eighth: Accept personal responsibility for your own unhealthy actions, feelings and thinking and cease looking for the persons, places or things you can blame for your unhealthiness.

Ninth: Accept that addicted fixing, rescuing, enabling are "sick" behaviors and strive to extinguish these behaviors in your relationship to persons, places and things.

Tenth: Accept that many people, places and things in your past and current life are "irrational," "unhealthy" and "toxic" influences in your life, label them honestly for what they truly are, and stop minimizing their negative impact in your life.

Eleventh: Reduce the impact of guilt and other irrational beliefs which impede your ability to develop detachment in your life.

Twelfth: Practice "letting go" of the need to correct, fix or make better the persons, places and things in life over which you have no control or power to change.

Steps in Developing Detachment
Step 1: It is important to first identify those people, places and things in your life from which you would be best to develop emotional detachment in order to retain your personal, physical, emotional and spiritual health. To do this you need to review the following types of toxic relationships and identify in your journal if any of the people, places or things in your life fit any of the following 20 categories.

Types of Toxic Relationships
* You find it hard to let go of because it is addictive.
* The other is emotionally unavailable to you.
* Coercive, threatening, intimidating to you.
* Punitive or abusive to you.
* Non-productive and non-reinforcing for you.
* Smothering you.
* Other is overly dependent on you.
* You are overly dependent on the other.
* Other has the power to impact your feelings about yourself.
* Relationship in which you are a chronic fixer, rescuer or enabler.
* Relationship in which your obligation and loyalty won't allow you to let go.
* Other appears helpless, lost and out of control.
* Other is self-destructive or suicidal.
* Other has an addictive disease.
* Relationship in which you are being manipulated and conned.
* When guilt is a major motivating factor preventing your letting go and detaching.
* Relationship in which you have a fantasy or dream that the other will come around and change to be what you want.
* Relationship in which you and the other are competitive for control.
* Relationship in which there is no forgiveness or forgetting and all past hurts are still brought up to hurt one another.
* Relationship in which your needs and wants are ignored.

Step 2: Once you have identified the persons, places and things you have a toxic relationship with, then you need to take each one individually and work through the following steps.

Step 3: Identify the irrational beliefs in the toxic relationship which prevent you from becoming detached. Address these beliefs and replace them with healthy, more rational ones.

Step 4: Identify all of the reasons why you are being hurt and your physical, emotional and spiritual health is being threatened by the relationship.

Step 5: Accept and admit to yourself that the other person, place or thing is "sick," dysfunctional or irrational, and that no matter what you say, do or demand you will not be able to control or change this reality. Accept that there is only one thing you can change in life and that is you. All others are the unchangeables in your life. Change your expectations that things will be better than what they really are. Hand these people, places or things over to your Higher Power and let go of the need to change them.

Step 6: Work out reasons why there is no need to feel guilt over letting go and being emotionally detached from this relationship and free yourself from guilt as you let go of the emotional "hooks" in the relationship.

Step 7: Affirm yourself as being a person who "deserves" healthy, wholesome, health-engendering relationships in your life. You are a good person and deserve healthy relationships, at home, work and in the community.

Step 8: Gain support for yourself as you begin to let go of your emotional enmeshment with these relationships.

Step 9: Continue to call upon your Higher Power for the strength to continue to let go and detach.

Step 10: Continue to give no person, place or thing the power to affect or impact your feelings about yourself.

Step 11: Continue to detach and let go and work at self-recovery and self-healing as this poem implies.

"Letting Go"
* To "let go" does not mean to stop caring; it means I can't do it for someone else.
* To "let go" is not to cut myself off; it's the realization I can't control another.
* To "let go" is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.
* To "let go" is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.
* To "let go" is not to try to change or blame another; it's to make the most of myself.
* To "let go" is not to care for, but to care about.
* To "let go" is not to fix, but to be supportive.
* To "let go" is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.
* To "let go" is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own destinies.
* To "let go" is not to be protective; it's to permit another to face reality.
* To "let go" is not to deny, but to accept.
* To "let go" is not to nag, scold or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
* To "let go" is not to criticize and regulate anybody, but to try to become what I dream I can be.
* To "let go" is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.
* To "let go" is to not regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.
* To "let go" is to fear less and love myself more.

Step 12: If you still have problems detaching, then return to Step 1 and begin all over again.

Monday 28 May 2012

Relationship & Emotional Attachment

Guys, gw ingin membahas tentang relationship, dan kroni" nya... katanya ada 3 stage dlm hubungan percintaan/pacaran

The Three Stages of Love in Relationships

Romantic feelings or lust is the first stage of love. Romantic love is driven by testosterone and estrogen. Mating is the evolutionary purpose of this stage of love; it creates strong physical attraction and sets the stage for emotional attachment. In this stage of love, endorphins soak your brain and you're immersed in intense pleasurable sensations. Your lover is perfect, ideal, made for you. In this stage of love you feel exhilarated and even "high" (similar to the feeling you get after you eat really good chocolate or have a great workout). You feel infatuated in this stage of love.

Physical attraction and power struggles make up the second stage of love (the "lovesick" phase). You may lose your appetite, need less sleep, and daydream about your lover on the bus, during meetings, in the shower. In this stage of love, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are racing through your body and brain. You're also trying to shape your lover into your ideal partner – which is where the power struggles come in. In this stage of relationship, you're becoming more realistic, and you two may fight about things like whether or not to buy organic food or listen to country music. The infatuation is wearing off, a strong emotional attachment begins to set in, and feelings of infatuation fade.

Emotional attachment or unconditional acceptance is the third stage of love. Emotional attachment involves commitment, partnership, and even children (a fear of intimacy prevents many from reaching this stage of love). In this stage of love, you're aware of both positive and negative traits in your partner, and you've decided you want to build a life together. Confrontation is most likely to occur in this stage of love (though if you're authentic and honest, it'll also happen in the second stage of love). You and your partner will either work towards a healthy, loving relationship or decide to call it quits.

Staying in Love
Love isn't just a vehicle that brings happiness and contentment to your life (or bitterness and pain!). Love is a living, dynamic creature that changes, grows, and needs attention -- and you must nurture it. In all three stages of love, your love reveals who you really are, in all your glory and weakness.

All stages of love can help you accept your strengths and weaknesses. All stages of love also reveal your partner's strengths and weaknesses.
7 Tips for All 3 Stages of Love:
1. Focus on the things you can control: your attitude, your behavior, your words, and your energy. If you want something to change in any stage of a loving relationship, make it your own traits or actions – not your partner's.
2. Learn healthy ways to express your disappointment, anger, or frustration. Be honest and authentic, and kind and loving in all stages of relationships.
3. Remember the first stage of love! Recall your feelings of lust, attraction, and desire for your partner. Think about the traits that you were attracted to, and let those old feelings come to life again.
4. Appreciate your partner's good qualities; be grateful for the life you share. Gratitude can enhance all stages of relationships.
5. Focus on emotional intimacy in all three stages of love. Be vulnerable to have a healthy love life.
6. Own your feelings. Your partner can't "make" you feel stupid or worthless. If you feel unfulfilled or sad about your life, look at your own dreams and goals. Are you pursuing the life you were meant to live? Are you following your heart? Develop your personality, mind, and spirit. Figure out what will make you happy in this stage of love, and start creating the life you were meant to live.
7. Consider counseling in any stage of love. If you've lost that loving feeling, it could be an individual thing that you need to deal with or a couples' issue that you should tackle together. An objective point of view, from a therapist, pastor, or friend you trust, is incredibly helpful in all stages of relationships.
Regardless of what stage of love you're in, you need to know the best way to say "I love you"!

Selain itu, hunbungan percintaan menurut gw akan menghasilkan yg namanya emotional attachment, apa sih karakteristik dari attachment ?

Characteristics of Attachment :
Bowlby believed that there are four distinguishing characteristics of attachment:
Proximity Maintenance - The desire to be near the people we are attached to.
Safe Haven - Returning to the attachment figure for comfort and safety in the face of a fear or threat.
Secure Base - The attachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the surrounding environment.
Separation Distress - Anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment figure.

Klo menurut gw, emotional attachment ada karena hubungan yg dijalani antara pasangan sudah cukup dalam, dan apalagi klo sudah terjadi kontak fisik. Katanya sih klo pasangan yg baru aja honeymoon, emotional attachmentnya tinggi hahaha knp ya? :0
Emotional Attachment juga bukan pada orang aja lho... bisa terhadap makanan, fashion, gadget, brands? etc...
Gmn guys, have you realize do you have any emotional attachment to someone or something ?

see ya!

Sunday 27 May 2012


Hi! udah lama ngga post nih... kali ini gw tertarik membahas topik LOVE vs LUST, sebagai pembukaan mari kita cekidot apa kata om wiki tentang LOVE and LUST :
Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection —"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another". Love may also be described as actions towards others or oneself based on compassion, or as actions towards others based on affection.
Lust is an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body. The lust can take any form such as the lust for knowledge, the lust for sex or the lust for power. It can take such mundane forms as the lust for food as distinct from the need for food. Lust is a powerful psychic force producing intense wanting for an object, or circumstance fulfilling the emotion.
have you find the one?

hmm, gmn tmn" pendapat kalian tentang LOVE and LUST? klo gw setuju ama pendapat om wiki tentang LOVE and LUST, tapi ketika kita menjalaninya di kehidupan nyata bakal sulit memisahkan LOVE and LUST ini, apalagi bagi mereka yang sedang pacaran :3 uhuy! mari kita simak lagi beberapa indikasi tentang LOVE and LUST yang gw dapet dr dunia-maya

  • You want to spend quality time together other than sex.
  • You get lost in conversations and forget about the hours passing.
  • You want to honestly listen to each other's feelings, make each other happy.
  • He or she motivates you to be a better person.
  • You want to get to meet his or her family and friends.
  • You're totally focused on a person's looks and body.
  • You're interested in having sex, but not in having conversations.
  • You'd rather keep the relationship on a fantasy level, not discuss real feelings.
  • You want to leave soon after sex rather than cuddling or breakfast the next morning.
  • You are lovers, but not friends.

"To experience the pure essence of unconditional love is our basic purpose for coming to earth," writes Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love. "We experience it as kindness, giving, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining, intimacy." Love is not neediness. "I love you because I need you!" -- WRONG! "I need you because I love you!" -- RIGHT!
Why is love so hard to find? It's simple: 
1) we do not love ourselves; and 
2) we have not healed the wounds of past love relationships.
Astrology can reveal the qualities each person has for loving himself or herself and for giving love to another. Further study, especially of Venus, Sun and Moon, in the charts of two people shows how easily they can love each other.

Lust is chemistry. It is felt almost immediately when two people meet. It usually involves flirting, touching. Something inside you goes, "Boing!" Lust involves the body. A real deterrent to pure love is seeing ourselves only as bodies; when in reality, we are not our bodies...we are a spiritual soul inside a physical body.
Good love will involve good sex. Good sex alone rarely involves real pure love. The danger with lust is that men and women react to it differently. Women "fall in love" with a good lustful encounter, men do not. Men "fall in love" by doing for their woman.
In Astrology compatibility, studying the aspects involving Mars and Pluto indicates lust.

hmm, byk sekali perspektif tentang LOVE and LUST :), tapi kalian pasti udah dapet gambaran besarnya tentang LOVE and LUST

Love is forever, Lust is temporary. I admire the truth in both. I believe its possible to fall in love with art, to fantasize FAR beyond what you see. Imagine what you believe, believe what you can imagine. -Crush

Sunday 13 May 2012

Distraction & Klappertaart

Hi guys, hari sabtu siang setelah beres kuliah gw berenang ke sampoerna, pas gw berenang gw kepikiran kata "Distraction", kira" guys, klo denger kata itu gmn pendapat kalian? klo gw sih lgs kepikiran distraction itu sesuatu yang mengalihkan perhatian kita, baik dalam studi, pekerjaan, ataupun hal lain. Apakah kalian pernah mikirin, kapan sih biasanya kalian mengalami yg namanya distraction ? apakah distraction kalian itu lebih penting daripada apa yang kalian lakukan saat itu ? keep wondering guys!
klo menurut wikipedia :
Distraction is the divided attention of an individual or group from the chosen object of attention onto the source of distraction. Distraction is caused by: the lack of ability to pay attention; lack of interest in the object of attention; or the great intensity, novelty or attractiveness of something other than the object of attention. Distractions come from both external sources, and internal sources.
Klo gw pribadi sering mengalami distraction biasanya waktu ngerjain tugas, susah banget buat ngerjain tugas terus sampe tuntas.. biasanya diselang main game, makan, atau browsing(facebook, twitter, termasuk blog ini juga :p). Tapi waktu kemaren berenang gw jd mikirin lagi, kenapa yah gampang banget perhatian kita teralihkan tanpa kita sadari, n gw rasa kita harus punya control terhadap sesuatu yang kita sedang lakukan atau bisa disebut memiliki tujuan yang jelas dan selalu menyadarinya itu... kemaren waktu berenang juga susah banget supaya tetep fokus mau 20x bolak balik kolam panjang...  baru 1x berenti bentar istirahat ato celingak celinguk :D apalagi klo ada cewe hot o.O wkwkwkwk... tapi akhirnya gw bisa fokus n ngga banyak jedanya untuk menyelesaikan target berenang gw(20x bolak balik) n badan terasa ringan.
galau dipinggir kolam >.<
@sampoerna sports club

Funny Distraction Picture :
pesepeda nabrak tiang gara" ngga fokus ke depan
tentara yg distracted by a girl
even anak kecil juga bisa distracted *lol*
kayanya harus nangkep kepiting yg lebih besar :)
this is so funny
are you read the text? *lol*
That's all for distraction guys :D

Sepulang dari berenang, gw melihat billboard dijalan ada yang namanya "klappertaartgw sering si wondering apa sih klappertaart itu ? cuma baru sekarang sempet gw cari n tau apa itu klappertaart.

Menurut info yang gw dapet :
Klappertaart di Indonesia dikenal sebagai kue khas Manado dengan bahan dasar kelapa, tepung terigu, susu, mentega dan telur. Resep adonan tersebut merupakan pengaruh saat zaman pendudukan Belanda di Manado. Terdapat beberapa macam cara memasak klappertaart. Bila dipanggang dan menggunakan roti, maka akan menghasilkan klappertaart dalam bentuk yang padat, bisa dipotong layaknya kue taart pada umumnya. Tetapi ada juga cara memasak yang tidak panggang. Ini akan menghasilkan tekstur yang begitu lembut, seperti memakan custard yang langsung meleleh begitu masuk ke mulut. Kue ini paling nikmat bila disantap dalam keadaan dingin jadi tidak boleh dibiarkan terlalu lama di luar pendingin.
Klappertaart termasuk kue yang mengandung kalori yang cukup tinggi. Ada pengusaha klappertaart yang mencari campuran adonan yang lebih rendah jumlah kandungan kalorinya. Beberapa jenis klappertart menggunakan lemak rendah kalori, susu kalsium tinggi dan pemanis rendah kalori sebagai campuran adonannya menggantikan susu dan gula yang pada umumnya digunakan, sehingga menjadikan kue ini berkurang jumlah kalorinya. Klappertaart Rendah Kalori memang sengaja dibuat agar orang-orang yang sedang diet bisa menikmati kue lezat ini.
klappertaart yang tidak dipanggang

Klappertaart Huize, Bogor
Jika kita jalan-jalan ke kota Bogor, jangan lupa mampir ke Jl. Pangrango ya, karena di situ terdapat berbagai jajanan nikmat untuk oleh-oleh. Salah satu jajanan yang terkenal enak adalah Klappertaart Huize. Bila biasanya Klappertaart rasanya campuran kelapa dan susu saja, di Klappertaart Huize ini kita bisa mendapatkan Klappertaart dengan aneka rasa unik, seperti Blueberry, Strawberry dan Cheese.
Bangunan toko Klappertaart Huize cukup artistik kerena bentuknya seperti rumah model tempo doeloe. Ruangan dalamnya memang tidak terlalu besar karena para pengunjung lebih sering membawa pulang makanan yang dijual daripada memakannya langsung di tempat. Begitu masuk kita langsung disambut dengan display beraneka jenis Klappertaart. 
Nah, jika kita mengenal Klappertaart sebagai cemilan mirip pudding yang rasanya hanya perpaduan susu dan kelapa, maka kita akan terkejut dengan Klappertaart yang ada di Klappertaart Huize ini. Karena rasanya macam-macam, mulai dari rasa buah-buahan seperti Blueberry, Strawberry, dan Tutti Fruity. Ada juga rasa cheese, pandan, cokelat, green tea, hingga rasa yang ekstrim seperti Oreo dan Tape. Klappertaart ini pun terdiri dari berbagai ukuran, yaitu ukuran small seharga Rp 5500, regular seharga Rp 10.000 dan large seharga Rp 14.000. Selain itu juga ada berbagai ukuran extra besar dengan harga yang bervariasi.

Klappertaart Huize
Kategori: Tempat Makan
Alamat: Jl.Pangrango No.8 Bogor
Jam Operasional : 09.00 –  21.00 WIB
Range Harga: Rp 5.500 – Rp 60.000

aduh... jadi penasaran nih... mau coba? dateng aja! di Bandung juga ada kok... Den Haag Klappertaart di Jl RE Martadinata no 22, kalo di Jakarta Hanna's Klappertaart ktnya enak bgt...bisa Grand Indonesia, Senayan City, Pondok Indah Mall 2, dan tmpt" lainnya

Thursday 10 May 2012

Long Journey

Hari ini gw mengendarai motor sangat jauh hanya untuk di dlm kota, dari Jl. Surya Sumantri ke Jl. Raya Dayeuh Kolot... omg! ujung ke ujung Bandung.... lelah letih lesu dan deru debu menyerang... tp lumayan lah klo di game mah ngebuka terrain yg masih gelap, soalnya map gw blom gede di Bandung :) masih suka nyasar" n nanya" org... n yg gw aneh tiap nanya knp  ya nanya ke bapa" lebih enak dr pada ke mas" / mba" wkwkwkwk...

Pulang" makan, mandi, n open FB.. kata admin dari mythology di salah satu Pages facebook nama vampire gw Jaques Saint Clair, keren juga ya... namanya sepadan lah ama Edward Cullen, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, dan vampire" lainnya :D wkwkwk... maklum penggemar twilight n vampire diaries... buat yg blm tau, vampire diaries tuh film serial barat mirip twilight, tapi beda cerita... cm race nya mirip" ada human, vampire, werewolf... wajib nonton! recommended film.

haduh besok byk tugas, dari pagi hrs ke kampus n sorenya hrs presentasi topik ttg keamanan jaringan komputer... hmm hope the best deh for tomorrow... pdhl pgn nonton walking dead film ttg zombie yg baru gw tuker pinjem ama tmn kampus :3 , dia ngasi pinjem walking dead, gw ngasi pinjem vampire diaries hohohoho... it's gonna be a long movie watch

oh ya, belakangan ini byk yg ngomong soal karma di status fb/twitter nya... marah" n sumpah serapah buat orang di status hmm, please dech... ga banget... klo menurut gw karma itu ngga ada... yg gw percaya ada itu hukum tabur tuai... jd klo kita menabur sesuatu yg baik, maka lingkungan/org" akan meresponse positif terhadap kita... dan banyak berkat yg akan kita terima dari Tuhan... tapi klo kita menabur keburukan, maka kelak kita akan menuai sesuatu yg buruk jg bagi kita... sekian my opinion ttg karma :) how's your opinion guys ?

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Movie Review : The Avengers

The Avengers
Nah, skr gw mo review film the avengers yg gw tonton hari Jumat 4 Mei 2012... byk yg bilang film ini rame banget, ternyata pas gw udah nonton n beneran lucu n seru... hahaha... rating film 9/10 deh klo menurut gw... di film ini sosok ironman sangat kuat dibandingkan tokoh" laennya... (menurut gw).. emg fav gw diantara yg laen sih iron man... keren bgt! apalg pas pulang ke kediamannya tony stark, lewat rooftop gt.. trus armor ironmannya automatically lepas satu" dgn smooth :). Buat tmn" yg blm nonton, film ini recommended untuk ditonton hehe... that's all for the avengers.

Sunday 6 May 2012

My First Post

Hey, welcome to my blog!

ini posting pertama gw di blog gw sendiri...
pertama" ga tau gmn harus nge-blog
tapi setelah tanya om google n liat blog" orang, jd bisa deh :)
btw, gw suka bgt dengerin musik... apalg musiknya yg menenangkan dan galau wkwk, no wonder di blog ini gw attach musik :p...