Monday, 4 June 2012

RANDOM at 3am

Ketika gw bergalau ria subuh" sambil baca" artikel n istilah aneh", gw nemu website keren. Di website bisa menentukan birthpath dan analisis nama depan, dan ini yg gw dapet: :
Birthdate gw
Feb 6 1987
2+6+1987 = 1995
1+9+9+5 = 24
2+4 = 6
Birthpath = 6


Whether your birthpath expresses depends upon your names, for the names creates your personality and is the compelling force. The birthpath is only the potential until understood and expressed through a mind harmonized to that potential.

What is your birthpath? What is the real YOU?

1 birthpath
The 1s seek to understand the fundamental laws of life. They are inventors and explorers and they are naturally ingenious along practical lines. They learn through their own experiences. In work they are happiest in positions in which they can give orders instead of take them, and where their independence is not curtailed. They are self-reliant and strong-willed--the qualities of a leader.

2 birthpath
The 2s are the peace makers and diplomats. Their role is to meet and mix with people, to understand others, and to help people in the solution of their problems. The 2s are sensitive and intuitive. They can develop a wonderful way of using words to bring the best from others. They must understand and merge points of view to create appreciation for everyone.

3 birthpath
Self-expression is the 3s' keynote. They excel in vocal expression, public speaking, art, drama, or as entertainers, humorists, and promoters. Their role is to use the power of the word to inspire and lift others to see a happier, objective perspective of life. The 3's are congenial in association and cosmopolitan in nature. They have a love for all people and desire to help others.

4 birthpath
The 4 quality is technical and scientific. It brings into being a very systematic, technical, stable, patient, and scientifically analytical nature. The 4s seek an understanding of life, delving into matter and form, searching for the secrets of nature in materiality. The keynote of the 4 is practicality; and their duty is to find a basic principle governing matter and form. They make excellent teachers, researchers, and computer experts.

5 birthpath
The 5 quality represents change--a step above the technical phase. The 5s must seek a definite spiritual principle and apply it; thereby developing the intellect and seeking new ideas, new meanings, and theories, to bring improvement to life. The 5s tend to champion the less fortunate. They are quick thinkers, always searching for truth and the reason for things. As they love change, travel, and new experiences, they should not be placed in positions requiring detailed, monotonous routine. They love to sell and promote.

6 birthpath
The 6 represents maturity and responsibility; it is the role of assuming responsibilities for humankind, to help others in the solution of their problems. The 6s have the mental quickness and the analytical ability of the 5, but without the 5's restlessness and impulsiveness intensity. They desire to care for others. Their love is universal, with an intense desire to serve. They carry responsibility better than any other quality and make good managers, nurses, and doctors.

7 birthpath
The 7 quality represents the thinkers and writers. 7s must learn to tune their minds to harmony and balance for receiving impressions from within to develop their depth of knowledge of the deeper aspects of life. Their keynote is placidity. The 7s deeply appreciate the beauties of nature; they delight in mystery and are naturally drawn to philosophy and the occult. They should spend time in meditation and reflection, and write down their thoughts. They can develop great powers of concentration.

8 birthpath
The 8s role is to demonstrate the spiritual law in service to humanity through justice and equality. The 8s are the born executives and national leaders, and should occupy positions where they can administer fairness for all and work to create a just and balanced economic system. The 8s should never be subservient to others. They seem to understand people and have the ability to direct others and to hold positions of great responsibility.

9 birthpath
The 9s are born to serve others along the path of wisdom as spiritual leaders and teachers. They are very sensitive and creative. Their talents are many and varied, covering the inspirational vocations or in business where they have the opportunity to be of service to people in some way--in charitable institutions, hospitals, or in education or law, in drama, music or art. The 9s are charming, affectionate, and respond quickly to kindness. The path of the 9 is the highest and most inspirational, but it is the most challenging to live for theirs is a life of service.

The Mathematical Principle of nine is a spiritual law which can be found, although hidden in symbology, in all ancient spiritual writings and concepts.

Our purpose is understood through knowledge and application of the Mathematical Principle. Our purpose becomes clearer as we understand the relationship of the individual to the bigger picture.
Find out about how your names affect your life and how to determine your purpose in life.

Somehow, ada benernya yang tertera pada birthpath... ya semoga yg positif" nya ada di dalam diriku >.<

First Name Analysis:
  • The name of Ferry gives you a very inquisitive, restless, seeking nature.
  • You feel impelled by intense desires that you cannot comprehend or satisfy.
  • You have had the desire to accomplish something outstanding and to do something very worthwhile for humanity, especially early in your life.
  • This name gives you a versatile, clever, analytical mind, but unfortunately you cannot direct your interest toward an undertaking for long, as you do not have the patience and practicality for systematic hard work and attention to detail.
  • You resent obstacles, delays, and restrictions.
  • This name gives you ambition, high ideals, and much creative ability, but the intense dynamic nature is too often spent in feelings and in moods, rather than in constructive action.
  • Although the name Ferry creates an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control.
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the solar plexus, and nervous system.

What's my purpose in Life?
There's much more meaning in life once you know your purpose.

Consider a hammer. It's designed to hit nails. That's what it was created to do. Now imagine that the hammer never gets used. It just sits in the toolbox. The hammer doesn't care.

But now imagine that same hammer with a soul, a self-consciousness. Days and days go by with him remaining in the toolbox. He feels funny inside, but he's not sure exactly why. Something is missing, but he doesn't know what it is.

Then one day someone pulls him out of the toolbox and uses him to break some branches for the fireplace. The hammer is exhilarated. Being held, being wielded, hitting the branches -- the hammer loves it. At the end of the day, though, he is still unfulfilled. Hitting the branches was fun, but it wasn't enough. Something is still missing.

In the days that follow, he's used often. He reshapes a hubcap, blasts through some sheet rock, knocks a table leg back into place. Still, he's left unfulfilled. So he longs for more action. He wants to be used as much as possible to knock things around, to break things, to blast things, to dent things. He figures that he just hasn't had enough of these events to satisfy him. More of the same, he believes, is the solution to his lack of fulfillment.

Then one day someone uses him on a nail. Suddenly, the lights come on in his hammer soul. He now understands what he was truly designed for. He was meant to hit nails. All the other things he hit pale in comparison. Now he knows what his hammer soul was searching for all along.

We are created in God's image for relationship with him. Being in that relationship is the only thing that will ultimately satisfy our souls. Until we come to know God, we've had many wonderful experiences, but we haven't hit a nail. We've been used for some noble purposes, but not the one we were ultimately designed for, not the one through which we will find the most fulfillment. Augustine summarized it this way: "You [God] have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee."

A relationship with God is the only thing that will quench our soul's longing. Jesus Christ said, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." Until we come to know God, we are hungry and thirsty in life. We try to "eat" and "drink" all kinds of things to satisfy our hunger and thirst, but yet they remain.

We are like the hammer. We don't realize what will end the emptiness, the lack of fulfillment, in our lives. Even in the midst of a Nazi prison camp, Corri Ten Boom found God to be wholly satisfying: "The foundation of our happiness was that we knew ourselves hidden with Christ in God. We could have faith in God's love...our Rock who is stronger than the deepest darkness."

Usually when we keep God out, we try to find fulfillment in something other than God, but we can never get enough of that thing. We keep "eating" or "drinking" more and more, erroneously thinking that 'more' is the answer to the problem, yet we are never ultimately satisfied.

Our greatest desire is to know God, to have a relationship with God. Why? Because that's how we've been designed. Have you hit a nail yet?